WEALTHGATE Biotech Aggressive Fund
We invest in fast-growing biotechnology companies engaged in the research and development and marketing of innovative pharmaceuticals.

The WEALTHGATE GmbH Family Office has been audited by Capital magazine and has received the above awards as an advisor.
Particularly in the case of widespread diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or cancer, scientists have already discovered numerous new approaches based on the latest findings for even more efficient treatment with fewer side effects or even curing diseases.
Whereas in the past it was often only possible to treat the symptoms of a disease, the knowledge of genome and proteome researchers has now made it possible to specifically combat the causes. Biotechnology is thus opening up completely new options in this area, while at the same time improving the possibilities of application for the traditional pharmaceutical industry, which works with chemical molecules.
Today, biotechnologically produced drugs already account for about 30% of the total turnover of the pharmaceutical industry in Germany.

Uses living organisms or their components for the development of products
often focuses on the research and development of new drugs through biotechnology and genetic engineering
Innovative and risky, as these are often novel approaches.
Can focus on different areas such as biopharmaceuticals, agrobiotechnology or environmental biotechnology.Mostly smaller companies with a strong focus on research and development.

Uses chemical compounds for the development of medicines.
Traditional and established approach to drug development.
Frequent use of organic and inorganic chemicals in the synthesis of drugs.Often has larger companies with a broader product range and a strong focus on sales and marketing.
Regulation and approval processes play an important role in the pharmaceutical industry.
In the context of the macroeconomy, the biotech sector is emerging as a potential driver of a broader economic recovery.The impressive rise in the NASDAQ Biotech Index in recent weeks points to a positive development. The recent IPOs of CG Oncology and ArriVent Biopharma could serve as an indicator of a potential turning point and boost investor confidence.
The sector’s attractive valuations compared to past underperformance are attracting interest, while increased interest from large pharmaceutical companies points to mergers and acquisitions. The planned IPOs signal pent-up demand and indicate that investors are increasingly looking for promising assets.
The optimistic outlook, confirmed by the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in early January, points to a positive sentiment in the biotech sector for 2024, which could potentially create attractive investment opportunities.[/et_pb_text]New approach to investment philosophy
- Mit gezielten Investments dazu beitragen Patienten zu helfen und Krankheiten zu bekämpfen, zusätzlich zu einer guten Rendite
- Finanzwelt mit Patienten zu verbinden, um den Weg für Investitionen in Gesundheitsunternehmen mit qualitativ hochwertigen Produkten zur Unterstützung von Forschung und Entwicklung der besten Medikamente zu ebnen und somit neue Behandlungsalternativen für Patienten zu fördern.
Gezielte Investitionen in Seltene Erkrankungen und Kinderonkologie:
- Unser Fokus auf seltene Erkrankungen und Kinderonkologie ist nicht nur von hoher sozialer Bedeutung, sondern bietet auch eine vielversprechende Chance auf eine erhöhte Rendite.
- Durch gezielte Investitionen in diese Bereiche profitieren wir nicht nur von potenziell lebensverändernden Therapien, sondern auch von den Anreizprogrammen der FDA und den erhöhten Zulassungswahrscheinlichkeiten, die mit der Entwicklung von Arzneimitteln für seltene Krankheiten verbunden sind.
- Diese Kombination aus sozialem Nutzen und finanziellen Anreizen macht unsere Strategie nicht nur ethisch und moralisch wertvoll, sondern auch wirtschaftlich attraktiv.
Expertenrat zur Entscheidungsfindung:
- Einbeziehung von Fachärzten in den Entscheidungsprozess, um fundierte medizinische Einsichten zu erhalten.
- Sicherstellung, dass Entscheidungen im Einklang mit den aktuellen medizinischen Standards und den Bedürfnissen des Patienten stehen.
- Nutzen des Fachwissens und der Erfahrung von Ärzten, zur Analyse von fachspezifischen Studiendaten
- Förderung interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Fachärzten, um ganzheitliche Behandlungsansätze zu entwickeln.
- Nutzung von evidenzbasierter Medizin und klinischen Leitlinien als Grundlage für Entscheidungen, ergänzt durch das Fachwissen der Ärzte.
With our in-depth expert knowledge and a portfolio of a maximum of 100 stocks, we make this innovative area of biotechnology accessible to investors.

Overview of diseases
- Cancer takes a huge toll on humanity. In the meantime, more than 150 types of cancer are known and there are about 17 million new cases every year.
- Up to now, efforts have mainly focused on preventing cancer, or suppressing or stopping its spread in the body. It is of central importance to identify risk factors.
Rare diseases
- Rare diseases are often life-threatening and affect 50% of children. So-called “orphan drugs” are being developed for treatment.
- It is often not worthwhile for large pharmaceutical companies to develop drugs against these diseases, as the number of affected people is simply too small to cover the enormous development costs.
- The best known and most widespread metabolic disease worldwide is diabetes. It is often caused by an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. But “non-alcoholic fatty liver” is also a widespread metabolic disease that costs the health system several billion euros annually.
Cardiovascular diseases
- Cardiovascular diseases are diseases of the cardiovascular system such as high blood pressure, heart attack or stroke.
- Although there is already a large number of drugs available, these diseases are the most common cause of death worldwide.
Neurological diseases
- Neurological diseases are for example Alzheimer, Parkinson, MS, depression, migraine. The reasons for these diseases are often unknown and existing therapies are not very effective.
- Due to demographic change, a significant increase in these diseases is expected. Therefore, there is a high medical need in this area.
Infectious diseases
- Corona, HIV, hepatitis C, fungal infections are among the so-called infectious diseases.
- Significant progress has already been made in these areas in the past. The goal is to significantly reduce the development times for new antibiotics and vaccines.
Advantages of biotech drugs
New ways
Targeted treatment
Deeper competitive pressure
Versatile application options
Greener products and procedures
More sustainable world
Expert advice
We are currently establishing a multidisciplinary expert council consisting of doctors from various specialties. This strategic initiative aims to bring together comprehensive and in-depth expertise. By bringing together experts from different medical fields, we are creating a dynamic forum for the comprehensive discussion of clinical trial data and medical issues. This targeted expansion of our network of experts enables a multi-faceted analysis and brings in diverse perspectives to ensure an informed and high-quality discussion.

Active management

Diversifikation Krankheitsbilder

Fundamentale Analyse

Quantitativer Vergleich

Safety principle
Which research areas are we investing in
Conscious selection of specific indications such as metabolic or rare (cancer) diseases = niche indications

ANDREWW. LO∗ MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory & Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
In addition to the indication, the biological target structure and the drug category also play a decisive role

ANDREWW. LO∗ MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory & Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Risk allocation according to pipeline composition (study phases) and important readouts.

ANDREWW. LO∗ MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory & Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Rare diseases are almost 2.5 times more likely to be approved.
Chronic, common diseases have a harder time.

ANDREWW. LO∗ MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory & Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
In addition to an increased likelihood of approval for rare pediatric diseases, this is also where investors can find the most scalable medical impact – there is hardly an investment form that makes more sense globally than investing money in the fight against pediatric oncology and pediatric diseases and earning a good return at the same time.
Key figures

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Christian Sammet
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Wealthgate GmbH
Kolpingstraße 19/1
74523 Schwäbisch Hall
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Web: www.wealthgate.de